Open Your Eyes


Open your eyes.

Oh, you were looking down at yourself, sorry, I thought your eyes were closed.

Can you not see those around you?

Look into their eyes. Eyes are windows to the soul, I am told. I love to look into people's eyes: what life have they seen and observed as it's flashed before them!

May I try on your spectacles? Will you show me the way you see the world around you? 

I really want to know.

You learn a lot by observing people, watching them.

Really, you do.

How often do we stop and listen? How can you listen if you don't be quiet?

If they don't speak, their actions will.

But how do you see these things if you are only looking at yourself?

Worlds pass by you and you don't even know it because you are lost in your own galaxy.

Words don't come easy to me.

I grope, and grope, but the right ones never seem to make it to the page.

It feels like my whole life, carved on the inside of my soul, can never be fully expressed in words...

If only love would spill on paper.

And so I cry.

Tears of who-knows-what.

They just come, and I splutter and drown in words that don't fully convey my soul's struggle.

I am sometimes angry that I am like that.

People say that sensitivity, or compassion, in itself is a strength, but my goodness, it is hard to find when you are fighting it so.

I want to be bold. And confident. I want to speak up with what I trust in. I want to express my faith.

"Use your words".

Heh, I am learning. Very slowly.

If only tears had writing in them, then my whole story would be known without my having to speak.

If I bled as much as I cried, I would be dead.

Does God keep on pouring the bottle He keeps of all my tears back into me?

"Have compassion! Give it to My people..."

How do you give to someone what you have?

Weep with those who weep,

Rejoice with those who are joyful,

Grieve with those who are grieving,

Laugh and sing with those who are happy,

Listen to those who spill their hearts,

Love the broken hearted,

Encourage the humble,

Thank the ungrateful,

Speak the Truth to the fearful,

Celebrate with those who claim victories,

Sit with the lonely,

Direct the blind to the Light,

Feed the hungry, the ones with health issues,

Witness to those who thirst,

Invite into your home the outcasts,

Be a friend to the sinner, the nobody,

Be kind to the angry,

Comfort those who mourn,

Accept those who fail,

Cheer on the good hearted,

Pray for the faint hearted,

Offer a hand to the weak,

Cry out unashamedly for the lost,

Put yourself in another's shoes,

Wash their feet,

Work in good faith,

Do all that you do as unto God,

And do not be weary in well-doing,

For the Lord is coming.

How will you answer to Him for the mist of life you were given?

Did you reach out and give to those in need?

Did you open your eyes?

Or were you asleep in the light?

Romans 12:9-21 NLT


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Unknown said...

Just literally no words.....except I get it, I get you and your heart eyes

Rosie said...

Woah....... just woah...... girl this is incredible, and I so get it. Thankyou for sharing. xo

Anonymous said...

* crying * Oh I love your precious heart!

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