I Was a Fire


I was a fire
With kindling for heart;
A match was struck,
A flame was start

It burned to the core
With coals and smoke;
Quenched by water,
The fire was choked

The blazes were seething
With smoldering coals;
In the passing of time,
The fire grew cold

Then ashes to dust
With struggle and pain;
His humbling Spirit, 
Revealed the stain

The scarring mark
Upon my soul;
Blackened a memory,
Whose age was old

Burns of the flame
Faded with time;
My heart now belongs,
To the God who is mine

Like a bird in the sky
My spirit is free;
To love them like Jesus, 
The way He loved me


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Rosie said...

A very nice poem! :)

Olivia Ruigrok said...

Thanks, Rosie! :)

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